*  2 of 300B Single Ended Amplifier DIY

Start 2 of 300B Single Ended Amplifier different Audio Transformer using


Counter Start 16th June 2014


Yesteday I got 2 of 300B Single Ended Amplifier from 2 customers from south america.one of expesive one and one of budget one like economy model.
No1 is Hashimoto H20-3.5U transformer using and other one is using Hatt Audio HO-808 single ended transformer.Just 2 of transformer are brother of ISO Tango XE20S.
Hatt Audio Lab HO-808 is just similar of charactor of U-808 of Tango. Universal Transformer.
Hatt Audio HO-808 is painted blue and 80x 84 x 125 mm (USD $ 330 dollars pair ) and Hashimoto H20-3.5U is painted Black 80 x 88 x 110mm (USD $ 600 dollars pair)
just show you, 2 of 300B Single Ended Amplifier,circuit diagram is almost same.
some one said , Hatt Audio Lab's product are similar model of Tango's product. HO-808 is just same like of U-808 but charactor is much more better than original .
how about ? let's me try to brew ,,,,

Hatt Audio Lab

Hatt Audio Lab HO-808

Hatt Audio

Hashimoto H20-3.5U

Hashimoto H20-3.5U 300B Single Ended Amplifier

with Hashimoto 2.5K / 3.5K

Circuit diagram 300B Single Ended Amplifier with Hashimoto H20-3.5U

Hatt Audio Lab HO-808 300B Single Ended Amplifier

Hatt Audio Lab 300B SET

Circuit diagram 300B Single Ended Amplifier with Hatt Audio Lab HO-808


7th Avenue

last up date 18th July from Sakura Chiba Japan

since 16th June 2014 from Sakura

Single Ended Amplifier D.I.Y 2008-2015

how good sound 300B Single Ended Amplifiers 2 of them