How to use Volumio2 Music Server
*  How to use Volumio2

How to use Volumio2

your OS is
indicated X11 and U,Linux,BSD means BSD/Linux/Unix family OS
smartphone are Linux or BSD(UNIX)


This counter started 17th Dic 2020

Once it works, leave it on all year round. I haven't turned it off for several years.
The most important thing is that it works, so if you change the condition, the IP will go missing.
You can share the music of PC and NAS on the same LAN line. But you need a mount. Operation is easy. You will need the IP and password of your NAS or PC.
Alternatively, if you have only the IP address of the NAS or PC and the directory information where you saved the music, you can mount it.
Of course, you can also mount from the command line using SSH. It is a very convenient modern music server.
And once it's working, don't touch it too much. I'm using unstable Linux. Volumio is also a cloud, so please be careful when using it.


When Volumio2 is launched for the first time, the default will be "volumio.local".
It will be set after that. passwd will be volumio. First, after install, look for the IP of volumio.local.


First setup please see setup Gear icon at right side menu


(1) turn on your PC and connect your LAN line
Please wait few minute .about 2-5 minute when turn on switch by USB switch near of power supply adapter .this case is alex local is IP
then watch by some kind of internet browser like Slimjet or Firefox etc. type in alex.local some time can not see IP .so turn off switch then few minute later turn on USB Switch.
then watch browser make type in alex.local. if you can get see main menu . please make click Browse where left down .you can see as Browser. make click
hen you can see main menu .


then click Music library . after click you can see the other menu of directly.


so then make click USB which indicated. click again you can see music which save music library in USB Memory.

music library

you can see music library on internet browser then you can choose music

if do you have NAS or PC connected internet line and LAN .witin same modem you can share music from NAS and windows or MacOS.
if you can not see alex.local , then 5 minute after turn on make click volumio.local same as first time access your music server.
almost nothing problem to use this volumio music server .please enjoy music .if would like to add the other NAS or PC music. please make clicl Gear mark right up side.
then you can see the other menu for set up music library .from NAS and your ADD New can mount the other NAS library.
Even you can use M.A.L.P by smartphone .this app can do control of volumio2 music server and many things from so far way if LAN Modem is same line.

add server from

adding the NAS music server or mount the other music source.

When Volumio2 is launched for the first time, the default setting will be "volumio.local". It will be configured after that.and always passed is volumio after installed.

alex.local is the IP of the music server. we use DHCP, which automatically assigns an IP, but that IP gets lost when it is moved. There is a field in the system to name the server.
In this case, I named it "tacoma.local" after tacoma's name. I think it's best to keep it simple. alex's music server is set to the classical type. There are other contemporary types. In the application section.
It is easy to set up. The image above is Contemporary, but it is basically the same server. To configure the settings, click on the gear mark ⚙ mark in the upper right corner to bring up the menu, and click on each setting.
At first, just click on the gear mark to finish. In addition to the above, you can use the following functions The following is the classic version of the WebUI. Of course, there is also a Japanese version, though it is set to Japanese.
You can change the language to Japanese when you get used to it, but please leave it in English because the translation doesn't match. The wallpaper can be changed freely, and you can easily copy it by preparing an image of less than 1 megabyte and linking it from your PC. When you click on an item
When you click on an item, it will refer you to the link and you can select the image. You will need a workstation PC.
The disadvantage of volumio2 is that the mpd version is low and DSF playback may not work as expected.

sound set up

⚙ mark right side up .you can see and click audio playback option then setup audio position.then set up audio. this case is I2S Master some time you can use USB positon when connect
USB DAC automatically detected USB DAC. show figure.


when connected USB DAC automatically configure USB DAC


First: Prepare your LAN. Make sure you have a good connection. It must be connected to the Internet.
1) Connect the LAN cable provided to the LAN port on your music server.
2) Now supply the power cable USB B type with voltage from the AC adapter.
3) First of all, please wait like this for 3-5 minutes.
4) Get your PC ready and open your internet browser as follows
5) Type "tacoma.local" in the URL field. If it doesn't lock, try several times. If you are lucky, you should be able to get a connection after one try.
If you still can't find tacoma.local, disconnect the AC adapter and reconnect it. Do the same thing again. If you can't find tacoma.local, disconnect the AC adapter and reconnect it.


Make your selection


Setup Audio Driver for I2S DAC

choose I2S DAC

Basically using DAC is Hifiberry DAC but this case is using SPDIF because this volumio 2 is not for Raspberrypi 3. I am using Pine64 Volumio2 so choosed SPDIF general
Raspberrypi does not have any port of SPDIF so if would like to use SPDIF must be use digi hat of Hifiberry or Justboom digi hat.doughter board.if use I2S DAC like hifiberry DAC
have to choose I2S driver and Hifiberry DAC for position of driver.The latest version of mpd for Volumio2 is 0.20.18. And moodeaudio is 0.21.5 ,Dietpi is 0.21.5 21 walls sound very different.
mpd latest version is 22.3. dic 2020.

It is very easy to use. you can get sound from RCA terminal at back side of music server.

If you click on "Brows", the screen above will appear. If you don't see this screen, click the gear symbol and click SOURCE to update your library. Before doing so, click on the network and select "Network".
Look at the IP of volumio2 just in case. Make a note of that IP. This will be the IP of Volumio2. The Music Library has music stored in its internal memory.
you need more space, install a larger memory in the USB port or a hard disk. WebRadio has over 50,000 stations for you to choose from.
Burn it to a Micro SD. To burn a Micro SD, use the following free application.
Download the Etcher application from here Down load Etcher
Panasonic Micro SD Format Application Format Application Panasonic
It is very easy to operate. You can now test it on any other operating system. If you want to load music from another machine, you can use windows share, or in Linux, Samba.
If you want to load music from a NAS or other server, you can do so as shown in the following screenshot.


Open the share on your PC and burn the music to an external USB flash drive.


add new drive

To load an external PC or NAS server, click on Source and scan it to see the servers on the same LAN as shown above. You can mount it using the net application. Now you can use this music server to
You can now use this music server to play music stored on other servers. You can also use it to play Sporty. You can also use Sporty.automatically mount NAS music server on your volumio2.
no need add nothing only choose whcich directly mound would like to.please click each Server menu. then show directly .then choose one of them.
I have also published a Linux site. I know how to use it, but I can't write C, so it doesn't help me.

wall paper

wall paper easy to replace from images on workstation

How to add album art

If you are using a Linux-based music server, you can save the album art as a folder.jpg in the music holder. These contain the album information.
This will automatically pull in the album details from the internet search site. This is not always possible, but it makes a big difference. When you rip a song, you basically import the music information from the CDDB site and add the song title.
I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not. I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not.
I feel uncomfortable about this. If you are listening to internet broadcasting, the music you have listened to recently may be leaking from these music servers. I don't think it's a coincidence. It's a strange phenomenon.


This is an example of the Volumi2 display. It shows the library.

I've been using Linux on my workstation for quite some time. Therefore, it is quite easy to use a music server with Linux.

I have heard that Sony is helping to develop an application called MPD for music servers.
I've heard that Sony is helping to develop an application called MPD, which is used in music servers, and it's well known that Raspberrypi is also made at Sony's factory in the UK and at an industry in the Kansai region of Japan. I'll post a link to the Volumio2 and MoodeAudio, which have a GUI called WEBUI.
You can also install mpd and samba to create a music server without a WEBUI. For display, you can use Ympd, or there is an application called mpd Clients to control the contents of MPD. In my case, I used
I use Cantata. It is very easy to use and can display information about the music you are listening to. You can also use Cantata with Volumio2, Moodeaudio, Runeaudio, etc. Search for MPD Client.

The RaspberryPi is a SONY product. Sony

DSF as DoP showing playback status Cantata for Linux


Basically, $ ssh root@ -l volumio This icon is 2D, so nothing will change when you click it, but trust me, it will. It will be enabled. After that, you can ssh into the system as shown above. ssh is used for detailed configuration and application installation.
This is basically a normal Linux system, so it will work as a PC without Linux X.

You will need to configure and install the software.passwd is volumio

SSH Effective

Ripping and save music


doing ripping CD

In my case, ripping is using Linux Asunder. If your home LAN is secure, your workstation can see where it is stored through the share. If you have enough memory, you can use a home LAN line.

Sound through a home LAN line

In my case, I use Linux Asunder for ripping. If the home LAN is working stable, the workstation can see the destination through the share. If you have enough memory, you can use a home LAN line.
If you have enough memory, you can store your music through your home LAN line. nothing problem to use .

Save music to Dietpi

You can see that the cello music has been saved. Let's listen to it with Volumio2 on a Pine64, and you can see below that we are listening to music saved to the Music share in Dietpi.


since 17th Dic 2020 How to use volumio2 last update 2nd Feb 2023

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