The RaspberryPi is a SONY product.
DSF as DoP showing playback status Cantata for Linux
Basically, $ ssh root@ -l volumio
This icon is 2D, so nothing will change when you click it, but trust me, it will. It will be enabled. After that, you can ssh into the system as shown above. ssh is used for detailed configuration and application installation.
This is basically a normal Linux system, so it will work as a PC without Linux X.
You will need to configure and install the software.passwd is volumio
In my case, I will provide it for about 20,000 yen. For foreign orders he will be USD $270. This includes shipping. $270 dollars to order from anywhere in the world.
Music Server 音楽サーバーの販売
music server at home 2023
SSH Effective
Ripping and save music
doing ripping CD
In my case, ripping is using Linux Asunder. If your home LAN is secure, your workstation can see where it is stored through the share. If you have enough memory, you can use a home LAN line.
Sound through a home LAN line
In my case, I use Linux Asunder for ripping. If the home LAN is working stable, the workstation can see the destination through the share. If you have enough memory, you can use a home LAN line.
If you have enough memory, you can store your music through your home LAN line. nothing problem to use .
You can see that the cello music has been saved. Let's listen to it with Volumio2 on a Pine64, and you can see below that we are listening to music saved to the Music share in Dietpi.
since 17th Dic 2020 How to use volumio2 last update 16th Mar 2023
Single Ended Amplifier D.I.Y edited with BlueFish By JH1 DAS ex WB4ACI from Yachiyo Chiba Japan
How to build up Amplifier Single Ended Amplifier 2023