2A3 Single Ended Amplifier in Chile

Basic Circuit for direct heating triode amplifier circuit .i think you can use any kind of
direct heating valves instead of SV 811-3 .I tried 2A3,300B,PT 15 and SV811-3 .even you can
use EL 34 indirect heating valves. depend on adjust grid bias and plate voltage.

all transformer are made in chile same time use for EL34 SE Amplifiers
in Chile early 2002 .out put transformer are 2.5 Kohm 20W rms.this time I got around 6W rms
Max power under 2A3 Sovtec mono plate. but RCA 2A3 is Best sound.
Transformer are made by Bozzo Transformer ltda Chile.

And let'me show you one of SV811-3 Single Ended Amplifier on 2006
please click linkHere to Go

please click linkHere to 2A3 SET Made in Chile

N Shishido's Schematics Copy

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