*  Ordinary circuit for 300B SET DIY

this counter started 20th Oct 2019

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this counter started 21st Oct 2019

平賀氏はフランス系の日系人です。そして三栄電気 柿沼さんのお友達と言うことです。柿沼さんはラジオデパートの3Fの柿沼さんは2世です。お父様が立ち上げた真空管店です。趣味はクレー射撃でした。
世界中に存在する300Bシングルアンプほとんどは日本から出ていると言っても過言ではありません。そしてベンチャーズのアンプ 手配 担当者 アドバンス オーディオの 米田 英樹 氏を忘れてはいけないと
思います。米田氏の事は知っているとは思うがハーフです。英語堪能の人で日本での真空管アンプの先駆者でもあるのです。勿論 柿沼氏の友人でもあったのです。その中には平賀氏もいたわけです。
この人がいなかったら最初のベンチャーズの日本公演は成功しなかったと言われています。アドバンス オーディオの真空管アンプ 検索してみて下さい。金髪のおっちゃんが彼だったのです。
真空管アンプの先駆者: 米田 英樹 氏です 。

Appendx:about Japanese designer of Amplifier.
The circuit diagram of 300B single amplifiers all over the world is this circuit. To put it bluntly, more than 95% of the circuit uses the same format as this circuit diagram. Only the driver is a 6SN7 GT tube. I think the latest Western circuit is the same.
This circuit configuration is said to have been first drawn by a famous Japanese designer. It could be Mr. Hiraga, and Mr. Morikawa is considered a likely candidate. Mr. Morikawa is the owner of Audio Specialty. . In any case, I am using this type of circuit. It seems that 6CG7 has a more powerful sound.
Mr. Hiraga is of French Japanese descent. And I am a friend of Mr. Kakinuma from Sanei Electric. Mr. Kakinuma is the second-generation owner of the radio department store on the third floor. This is a vacuum tube store started by his father. His hobby was clay pigeon shooting.
It is no exaggeration to say that most of the 300B single amplifiers around the world come from Japan. And Advance, who is in charge of arranging amplifiers at Ventures, says he must not forget Mr. Hideki Yoneda of Audio.
I think so. I think I know about Mr. Yoneda, but he is half-Japanese. He is fluent in English and is a pioneer of vacuum tube amplifiers in Japan. Of course he was also a friend of Mr. Kakinuma. Mr. Hiraga was among them.
Everyone forgets that this person was famous as the person who manufactured the Ventures' audio-related amplifiers. Mr. Yoneda often came to Mr. Kakinuma's shop in Akihabara. He already passed away in 2007. I sincerely pray for his soul.
It is said that without this person, the first Ventures tour in Japan would not have been a success. Please search for Advanced Audio's vacuum tube amplifier. He was the blonde guy.

This version is using ordinary circuit for 300B Single Ended Amplifier ,so Many Audiophile is using and
even same circuit of Sun Audio Amplifier.many company using this circuit for product in the world.and not use many componet for build up an amplifier
very much stable.driver is using 6SN7 but this one using 6CG7/6FQ7 because sound if very excite than 6SN7.
some one would like to orderd 300B single ended amplifier but get as low cost.so made plan show 300B Single Ended Amplifier as low cost.
out put is only 8 ohms and input is only one channel in stereo.out put is deliver around 8 W rms.
un balance.chassis may choose Takumi type or Cocoliso type.
The KT88 / 300B Single Ended Amplifiers around the world are said to use the circuits shown on this page, although there may be slight voltage differences. It is the circuit diagram with the highest success rate.
It is no exaggeration to say that many manufacturers use this schematic.
think. 6SN7 and 6CG7 are similar in special products. However
I think you can understand that 6CG7 produces a clearer and more energetic sound. The latest western amplifier also uses 6CG7. Maybe the schematic uses a similar circuit.
El impuesto de importación de Japón a Chile está exento del impuesto de importación de acuerdo con las regulaciones de importación de 2007.
Se creará un certificado de origen y se adjuntará al producto.
He realizado el certificado de origen del producto desde 2007. Este certificado es válido solo en Chile.
Note 2 : Economic Partnership Agreement、EPA

Every 2A3 and 300B single-ended amplifier in the world uses this schematic.
There may be some differences, but famous amplifiers, ordinary amplifiers, high-end amplifiers,
and even amplifiers made in China use the same circuit configuration as this schematic. In addition to the output vacuum tube,
there is one driver vacuum tube and a rectifier tube.
The difference is that different countries and manufacturers use different high quality transformers to make the difference.

low cost amplifier

USD $ 2900 dollars out put power is 7.5W max

This amplifier's same circuit can build up for EL34/KT88 but triode connection power is from 4W to 6W rms but triode connection or UL connection
I offer only USD 2900 dollars include valves and shipping any country.Audio Transformer is HO 808 by Hatt Audio.seems like XE20S clone.
This model is special version for EL34 and KT88 .same circuit using for EL34 but triode connection or UL.300B using China valves

asignment of bus-line for amplifier, any type of amplifier inside of chassis

low cost model of 300B Single Ended Amplifier

next 300B sun-audio 300B circuit show you .just like same kind of schematic diagram

sun audio

seems like all kind of 300B/KT88 Single Ended Amplifier circuit

sun audio

sun audio

B+ is 400V is correct .may be this one is sunaudio 300B schematic diagram

all of same circuit but only B+ is low for 300B so must be choose +B is 400V DC

300B Single Ended Amplifier

Bifuu V5 300B Single Ended Amplifier USD $ 2700 same circuit of sun audio type


If using ISO(ex Tango) using USD $ 3500 dollars

Note: Remittance is only by bank transfer. After ordering
It will take 4-5 months for the product to reach you.
We will manufacture after ordering parts after ordering.
It will be shipped after sufficient testing.

7th Avenue

If would like to know more ?

last up date 12nd May 2024

Single Ended Amplifier D.I.Y edited by BlueFish

How to build up Amplifier Marlhori Audio Japan 2024