This 1626 Single Ended Amplifier is modificated from EL3N Single Ended Amplifier
VT-137 Mfg by Hytron Made in USA
Charactor of 1626 Just look like Transmitter tube
EL3N Single Ended Amplifier
Basic circuit is EL3N Single Ended Amplifier
This circuit will modificate then next
1626 Single Ended Amplifier Ver 1 on 25th Dic 2011 for Test
Test Amplifier circuit for 1626 Single
So I will modificate above schematic to 1626 Single Ended Amplifier,and Test
how is sound from 1626 Single Ended Amplifier.1626 is USA Navy Transmitter tubes.
finally will be brew one of next circuit.then modificate EL3N single ended amplifier.
charactor of curve is just like transmitter tube same as VT62(801)so I think
depend on how to drive will be get more than 1 W rms.will be good by Shishido type drive and
dircet positive grid drive.but very small tubes.but many case said around 0.75 W rms
will be get.sound is very good, same kind of sound of VT 25/VT62 Single Ended Amplifier.
getting good bass and mid and high range is just like VT62 single ended Amplifier's sound.
later I will give you some data for this amplifier.but enough to listen Music in small room.
I would say to getting nice tone with ECM recordings any disks.
---sound is just incredible!!! getting from small tubes----
I did try to use few driver different,6DT8,ECC88,6BN7,6AQ8 and 6N1P. only 6N1P is
different heater current than 4 tubes, same way you can use 6CG7 and 6FQ7 too.
6AQ8 and 6DT8 are so nice tone with high range and good bass.ECC88 is good too
6N1P is super good about Bass and mid range, high range both of,
1626Sシングルの音は???どうかな? arcive is very old 26th Dic 2011
Souce are Digital soundfrom Pioneer DAT D-06, Yamaha old CDP ,MP3 from PC by
Hand Made FN1242A(DAC) + SRPP PreAmplifier. USB by PCM2704 SPDIF converter.
LP plays by Panasonic SL-1200MK3 and DL-103 Denon with TKS-83 Tamura,Home Made SRPP RIAA.
CD soft are using many of ECM disc and almost Keith Jarrett and Bobo Stenson plays.
this amplifier plays so nice tone with ECM disk.
[C]Copyright 2011-2016
since 16th Dic 2010(last up date 6th Mar 2024)
This part isAll of SET and SEP Single Ended Amplifier D.I.Y