At first I used Mint 22, but it was too poor. This was partly because I was not familiar with Apt get, but my main host computer is Fedora Core 35.
I would have preferred to go with 40, but the archive was also insufficient. So I went with Fedora Core 39, which is one step below. It's not satisfactory, but it's now a usable PC.
I installed KDE, Mete, and of course ICEWM. Any distribution is fine, but Debian may be better
Fedora core 39 Linux 64bit version installed
Intel 64bit Windows 10 was installed on the main unit, and although it was no longer supported, I installed Linux.
It was a DELL laptop. It did not have a LAN. There were only three USBs. It had a slow built-in Wifi.
I didn't understand BIOS very well, so I pressed F12, and the boot menu came up, so I selected USB and was able to enter live Linux from the USB. After that, it was just a normal installation.
The installation of the Fedora Core window manager is as follows.
# dnf group install "KDE desktop" as install group install
KDE Desktop
Xfce Desktop
Cinnamon Desktop
MATE+Compiz Desktop
i3 Tiling WM
LXQt Desktop
LXDE Desktop
SOAS Desktop
Sway Tiling WM
The above is a group installation.
Echer can no longer be installed with DNF in Fedora Core 35.
Get the binary and do the following.
# cd balena
# cd balenaEtcher-linux-x64
# ./balena-etcher without --no-sandbox
The binary will start, so start balena echer.
The same thing happens if you install it with rpm, and a comment will be added.
# balena-etcher without --no-sandbox
This will start etcher. It works fine either way.
There are at least two types of PCs: 32Bit version and 64Bit version. And you can use the PC listed as Intel inside.
I don't know if NEC products can be used, so please don't use NEC products.
Installation requires a Linux LIVE DVD, CD, or USB memory that can be booted on a PC. An application to create Live USB and DVD with ordinary Linux ISO is available.
Some sites have Live ISOs for some Linux distributions.
install the Linux OS ISO file on this 16GB USB memory stick. Insert the ISO file into the USB port of your old PC, press F2 to set the BIOS to boot from the USB memory stick, and reboot your PC to boot from the USB memory stick, so you can use Linux from here as a demo.
After that, you will see an icon called INSTALL in the menu, click it to start the installation. It is interactive, so please read what your PC is saying carefully before installing. Anyone can do it.
Your old PC with XP or Windows 7 will be transformed into a brand new LINUX PC.
Ubuntu and Mint are recommended, but Fedora and Slackware are also available. In order to make it easier to use, Ubuntu, Mint Kubutu, Luvuntu, and many other Linuxes are Debian-based. Then there is RedHat and Slackware.
Ubuntu and Mint are recommended, but Fedora and Slackware are also available. In order to make it easier to use, Ubuntu, Mint Kubutu, Luvuntu, and many other Linuxes are Debian-based. And then there's RedHat and Slackware.
Now you can use it as a brand new computer. Linux comes with a compiler installed, C C++ GCC Fortran and other computer languages.
How do I install the application? It can be installed from the command line by opening a terminal from a Linux PC with binaries secured on an FTP server, or through a GUI with a dedicated installation script.
There are many ways to install, such as downloading the source application, compiling it and installing it, or using the GIT server to install the source. Some use of the C language, some use of the PC language, and some use of the
You will need to know some C, PC language, and Luinux commands, but it is not that difficult.
As you know, PCs are available in 32 bit and 64 bit versions. Most PCs are 32-bit, but 64-bit versions are becoming more and more common. The problem with the 32 bit version is that it may stop working sooner or later. And then
he current trend is to stop developing applications for 32-bit PCs. After all, it is the year 2038 that is hiding the problem.
Beginners are recommended to start using Linux from Mint19. Because it's LiveOS. And because there is a 32bit version.
FedoraCoreLinux also has LiveOS. Usage
Although it is not recommended because it is somewhat difficult, it is a good OS once you get used to it.
Many servers use these RedHat variants.
By the way, MintLinux is a Debian system.
This is called fdisk. The world of DOS. This command frees up space on the hard disk. The part called partition is important.
With this operation, you can restore a micro SD that has become unusable. First delete everything with fdisk. Cut inside and exit with w. After that, you can restore it by formatting freely with #gparted.
Let's create a USB Linux he so he's testing
Start Linux in USB memory from USB. Maybe make 3-4 parts of this USB with fdisk. Boot, Linux, memory and three. Format it to FAT32.
After that, burn Live Linux. Reboot after baking. Once Linux Live has started, look inside the directory. I think that Boot and Linux are the same.
I haven't tested it, but it works. The bad part of LiveLinux is that it cannot be saved. Therefore, prepare another micro SD or USB memory and format it with FAT32.
Attach it to the USB HUB. Since it can be seen from the Linux side, image data and document data can be saved. Please pay attention to the font of the document data. It may be useless.
The image below is an image of browsing a music server with Mint Linux saved on a micro SD.
This is the screen booted with Mint 19 Live USB Save the image to another USB memory
If your PC has windows 7 or XP ,windows 10 easy to install Linux into your old PC. PC has 32 bit and 64 bit. any Linux can install your PC
easy to use Mint Linux is good for novice because design for novice and using Ubuntu Linux Basically . Mint Linux is one of branch of Ubuntu Linux of originally Debian Linux.
we have Linux as distrobition each Linux kernel is almost design by Mr Linus T he invented when he was young. he was 17 years old . around 1990 . Linux using a lot of things right now
many PC and control of electronics equipment ,airplane, cargo ship .train etc of control of traffic etc. even you DVD recorder by Sony. many many equipment using Linux more than windows.
Mint Linux
Ubuntu Japanese
what's need ? have to down load if your PC is 32 bit .Mint Linux 32 bit version and if 64bit need 64 bit version of Linux ISO file of Linux.
1) PC old 32bit or 64 bit PC (used be use windows XP or windows 7) Laptop PC or Desk top PC
2) Echer application to get application Down load Etcher application for make linux images
then install Echer application into Main PC for make USB mamory image files for Linux .very carefully to use this application for make image files for Linux.
because is wrong way to use your main PC make broke . so need carefully to use make image file of Linux.
right now you can use old PC from USB memory later install OS into old PC
3) USB Memory 16 G Byte
then you have to down load proper Linux of Mint Linux of any type of mint linux Mate ,Xfce , Cinnamon which do you like much better use Mint Mate very much common to use face look like windows.
and down load etcher application for make image USB memory. USB burn up as Linux Images for start Linux first step. not difficult to use .then you have to change boot for PC by BIOS.
before install Linux , have to make image disk USB for start Linux. then use BIOS change boot from USB memory then start linux demo and Linux installing. on your PC
Mint 19 64Bit Live
Many person (Novice)does understand what's terminal .we are use make to write command on command line on terminal you can find terminal where system then find terminal. terminal name is
sometime different mate-terminal ,gnome-terminal lxterminal etc. and Linux letter does not have capital letter so only use small letter. as command to where is terminal
Ubuntu is not for novice .even Mate. Raspbian , Mint linux are same as Ubuntu .But Ubuntu is not original OS original OS is Debian so first need to use any Linux is need to make
YOU MUST BE USE and make next command
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
then you can use first time turn on Linux PC ,any Linux, application install by hand by command on terminal. sometime use compile source then make make install application ,,this is Linux.
this is not windows MUST BE USE terminal first with command line.>I've seen many beginners who don't do this and end up failing to use Linux.
This is a tendency seen in many people(Many Linux User)
you can find where is terminal
using Terminal may be use mate-terminal any terminal then enter
1) $ sudo apt-get update
2) $ sudo apt-get upgrade
doing upgrade library like dll of Linux then can use to start Linux then install many application by comand line.
if would like to install gimp
3) $ sudo apt-get install gimp
4) $ sudo apt-get install cantata
Cantata mpd client for show music server application
Please install by command line next binary (command ) asunder gimp wine audacious grip k3b brasero soundconverter and if would like to use other type of desktop you can use
$ sudo apt-get install
replace desktop from now to ICEWM ,LXQT ,Lxde ,KDE the other
$ sudo apt install lxqt sddm
sddm is very important to install replace desktop
$ sudo apt install icewm
icewm is very light weight window maneger in the world.
$ sudo apt update is need some time but dont make upgrade sometime application rplace kernel (driver) some time can not get sound odd function do so
you can make update but do not make upgrade sometime can not do anything to do. so depend on you mind to do $ sudo apt upgrade.
Note) PLL is a technology from about 100 years ago. Octal system I learned it as a theory related to hydraulic pressure. Note) Search for Busicon. Note) See hacker history of hackers
Note) Mr. Masatoshi Shima, the first person to create the world's PC boom, you should know. Wikipedia
Note) Dennis McAllister Ritchie (dmr) and his Ken Thompson are the people who developed UNIX and the C language developers. It is said that the current PC boom would not have occurred without these people Wikipedia
If it weren't for Dennis Ritchie, there would be no Microsoft, MAC, smartphones, or Sony's sugoroku, so this person, Dennis Ritchie, is great. It was around 1968, so he was a person who made something out of nothing. All PCs and large computers, but without the C language, there would be nothing, so it would be a terrifying primitive world.
Note) Mr. Linus Benedict Torvalds He is the creator of Linux. Mr. Linus Wikipedia
If it weren't for Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, like this person, there would be no Linux, or maybe there would have been, but times would have changed. There is no embedded Linux, and the world may still be moving in sequence.
It's not mentioned in the hacker history above, but there are hackers and crackers in this world. A hacker is a good engineer and a cracker is a bad engineer. In this world, people misunderstand hackers and crackers.
Both are people who are familiar with this world and have a high level of technology, but there are two. Those who carry out DOS attacks (Denial of Service attacks) have no knowledge and are just bad, just in case, please understand! ! !
Products using 4-bit MPUs were Pioneer products, but they used 4-bit general-purpose CPUs and were made by Panasonic (Matsushita's CPU), and dedicated firmware was written in the PROM, which was the beginning of microcomputer application equipment. was. Then in 1991, Linus introduced Linux
Within 15 years after development, embedded Linux was just beginning. It was used here and there as a data server with Red Hat 9 Linux as a server. That was about 16 years ago (around 2007).
The year 2038 problem It's his Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson who developed the C language, and the timer has started since then. 32-bit PCs will disappear from the world because of this. Of course, 32-bit OS is no longer being developed.
It will be. We don't know what will happen in 2038. Aircraft may fall, satellite satellites may malfunction and fall. It needs to be replaced before then. In 1960, we knew.
And that time is coming. Linux is used in various things from trains, airplanes, and home appliances. Not only Linux, but Bill Gates' Windows and Mac are the same. The OS that exists in the world is
I am running in C. Those as-yet-unseen obstacles are his 2038 problem.
they are invent C and Sir UNIX Dennis Ritchie and Sir Ken Thompson
PC with PAE support
PCs manufactured around the year 2000 are non-PAE compatible. The PCs manufactured after that are PAE compatible PCs, and it seems that there are PCs that are not PAE compatible even after that. Thinking about installing a Linux OS,
Forcing the installation will abort the installation. pass through? It seems that if you install a PAE compatible kernel at that time, it will become a PAE compatible PC. Besides, this operation seems to be quite difficult.
If your distribution is newer, you can use YUM to install a PAE-compatible kernel. Please refer to the related site first. I won't go into it here, but it's very important.
What is Linux for? Since we use old PCs, most of the old PCs are not compatible with PAE. On the PC I have, it's from UBUNTU12 Fedora Core6. About 10 years ago FedoraCore6
I was shocked when it came out. It means that there are PAE-compatible and non-compatible PCs. For older versions of Linux, you need to make the source if YUM or APT cannot be used.
Ubuntu and Mint Linux are just same kind not different each other .so never use install command line never change form of Linux
If did you make install Ubuntu you can use change same face of Mint Linux even Kalilinux all of same Debian Linux. no different each other.
Linux(Free BSD) are we call it's PC UNIX , all of same Linux different name of Linux .of Debian Linux is original. and have many
window manger like lxde , icewm , kde , mate , lxqt and many many more than 1000 different window manger we have .Icewm manger has
more than 100 themes and very light window manger so very light and very fast .even using lxde and lxqt are very fast window manger for Linux.
Please try to use LXQT .
Lxqt by my Linux
Linux is depend on distribution but all of Linux is same arquitecture please see next
how to show linux windows. windows are very much similar of windows 10 etc. some time same as MAC OS. actually Linux does not have correct window (face)
originally Linux does not have window like only use command line terminal. for use easy show by "window manager" window manager are Gnome . KDE etc.
Ubuntu is in general using Gnome desktop but Gnome desktop is a little bit heavy for old PC. so we use light weight window manager for show linux
ICEWM , FLWM ,Blackwm ,LXDE , LXQT , KDE, Mate, and many window manager we have. which is good I do not know most light window manager is ICEWM I knew
so I am using long time ICEWM windows manager for my PC just like image of windows 95 .but a little bit different with any window manager of windows.
I recommend to use LxQt or Lxde . there are just same as ICEWM but much more easy to manupilate PC. and show very smart.
this is LXQT window manager for Linux .just like windows 10 but linux
this is ICEWM + cairo show mac OS desk top
you can use any kind of window manager you comfort use in general.if would like to use lxqt and lxde please install mate desktop first then install Lxqt .
for Audio need to install next command please see it's.
if would like to install Zoom
please access zoom site and get Zoom application for you linux PC .each Linux is different archive for Zoom.
Audio phile binary name application is asunder k3b tootem audacity guayadeque soundconverter brasero avidemux mixxx cantata trocs exaile gxine qmmp smtube qjackctl
xfburn gparted recordmydesktop amarok clementine muine quadlibet songbird cmus deadbeef juk moc xmms tomahawk sox ffmpeg mpg123 lame xwax hydrogen
lmms ardour qtractor reaper rosegarden muse renoise seq24 nas
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------command list
The Linux introduced above is Fedora Core Linux 36. The latest version is fine, but the versions around 34, 35, and 36 are introduced for ease of use. RedHat-based Linux. Usage is the same as CentOS.
It will be # dnf install instead of $ sudo apt install like in Debian. Others don't change much, application installation is # rpm -i xxxxx.rpm.
I have been using this Linux for about 20 years. The Linux I'm currently using is Fedora Core 26. I can't go without a transplant soon. The library is old and very inconvenient, but it is still usable. It is enough OS for music relations.
Burn the image file using echer to USB Memory, set BIOS after burning, and select Boot from External memory.
In most cases, settinhg will be displayed within the first few seconds of booting the PC, so press F2 at that time. It depends on your PC.
On the initial screen, the CUI screen will display either install or Live CD, so if you select Live
The GUI screen will be displayed. The GUI screen will also display Live or Install, so first
Select Live. Linux can be operated from the virtual space written on the USB memory.
Well, if you are connected to the lowest operating LAN, you can use the browser to access the Internet.
When it is displayed, it will look like this This is the Gnome screen, you can also install other Window Managers.
We will continue to make changes to make it easier to use. Since the application is installed only the lowest application
Install the application according to the purpose. Video, music-related applications and applications for organizing documents
We will make Linux suitable for users. Of course, if the installed PC is equipped with Wifi and Bluetooth, they can also be used.
This is an image of running Linux in a virtual space on a USB memory. Here, using the browser firefox, it is on the home LAN
This is the scene where the Music Server is displayed. Open a terminal and install Cantata from the command line
This is a scene of running Cantata and displaying the contents of the music on the music server. Works as Linux on USB memory
You can freely install the necessary applications. After that, it's up to you. Click the install button
You can install Linux on your PC. The PC will ask you in text interactively according to your language.
The installation will start as appropriate. All you have to do is his password, username and where on your hard drive
Do you want to install it? You will be asked if you want to keep Windows or use all hard disks, so look at the screen
I will install it. If you set your country first, the settings will start according to your language.
I will ask you about the details, so read carefully before installing. Be sure to connect to the LAN line.
If you are not connected to a phone line, you cannot install properly