he is chinese american ? may be chinese seem like korean
Two of Fraud lawyer and Person in England
UBBI is not located in UK ,some parts of mid east country and may be dubai.IP of them are from PA USA.
so they are Ghost company . with internet very much spread location world wide .they does not have main office.therefore FRAUD company.
UBBI show 2-3 person but not real person.who where live not fixed.good presentation site is problem .
People who see it on a beautiful site will believe it. Most internet sites are lies.
These two are tax evaders who have not filed their income tax.
Illegally defrauding the property of others.
They are criminals using my name Kenji Mizushima to inherit property of others.
I think Mack Johnson may be a black African or an American. The passport photo is not his photo either.
He uses Huw Edwards' photo without permission.
I have been .access this site from IOWA USA .may be this person is female .and she is doing access from USA many times.
linked in show her linkedin account which show you.
https://www.linkedin.com/in/mack-johnson-a1a065194/ and https://www.linkedin.com/in/mack-johnson-15100a5b/
they are Mack Johnson from IOWA USA one of them are doing watching my site fraud ,they never live in UK.
suppose be she is Mack Johnson but Mack Johonson is not man show you her face andd she live in iowa USA.
so what do you think .Mack Jonson is american lady and fraud person not lawyer .williams are group of Fraud.
Mack Johnson is not a man;
He was a woman. This woman lives in Iowa.
And many Americans have this female scammer living near them. How did you know?
There were people from IOWA who accessed it multiple times.
When I searched for it, I found that Mack Johnson was a woman, not a man.
In a whatsapp chat, someone talked about having a penis, but I wondered if this Mac didn't think he was a woman.
It is. This FuckYou woman was the only one registered on Linkedin in Iowa. After that, she accessed the site multiple times again.
These people are fake Mack Johnson, whose name is unknown, and are located in the UK or the US. he is a man and his real name
Mack Johnson
I believe she is a scammer and lives in Iowa. I notified the FBI. I will also notify the CIA.
site http://ubbilawchamber.com/ located in Germany
and from IP : Germany
Hamm 59077 51.6452,7.7351 this position is my friend chileno live close to hamm germany. I can not believe .
Actually Mrs Rafina Orums said ,she paid all of cost of court superema fee are payed to Mack Johnson when Mrs Rafina was fine in bed.
why I have to pay £511 to Mack Johnson.but payed £ 511 and he said need to pay more £1800 additional fee. he said . Mrs Rafina Orums said
why doctor was gone may be he doit So it's highly likely that she was euthanized by Dr. and Mac Johnson. So the doctor didn't reply to my emails and went somewhere else.
this is criminal mind.more than fraud. Mack Johonson and Doctor killed Mrs Rafina Orums. this is may be.......???? why come up as Ghost. Why does her ghost appear?
Mack Johnson said nothing same as Mack Johnson Iowa but same person same family of Mack in UK and Iowa USA. why many time made access from IOWA???
Mack Johnson Killed Mrs Rafina Orumus with Doctor Crhistopher Satur keel University's doctor
this is crime .Mack Johnson killed Mrs Rafina Orums ,this is case of mudder in UK but UK Police do nothing same as Japaan Police.
Mack Johnson stole face of " Mr Huw Edwards " and used for his(Mack Johonson)' passport .he said his real passport by Whatsapp.
and Whatsapp is +44 7747 064175 .he is very bad educated person not like one of lawyer
個人データーを公表致します。 世界中の騙されやすい人は十分 ご注意お願い致します。
These two lawyers are scammers. Please be very careful. They are scammers who swindle all their property by encouraging inheritance with sweet words.
People like this are degrading Britain.
We will disclose your personal data. Please be very careful with gullible people around the world.
Please be careful with these two lawyers
they are scammers. to you to defraud
Coming closer.
These two lawyers basically live in the UK.
I don't know if they are lawyers or scammers.
Mr Fort is a crook. Application form signed by me in Japanese
I used it for my selfishness. No reply after that.
It's a $4 billion scam. In the first talk, he said 50% 50%, but I think it was a lie and he exploited everything.
Another is property inheritance for American women.
A dentist named Mrs Rafina Orums was hospitalized with cancer
In the hospital she left her in a vegetative state. She knows the doctor's name, his operation predicted recovery, but she went into a vegetative state.
It's gone. I don't know whose fault this is, but at least
I think it's the responsibility of the attending physician. and she's a fake lawyer
I entrusted everything to Mr. Mack Johnson. There is an error there. Maybe the doctor and this fake lawyer are a group
think. Kenji Mizushima wote 25th June 2023 in Japan
I may I replace lawyer I would like to replace fraud lawyer Mack Johnson. and
This person is Mr. Huw Edwards, a famous Newsleader of BBC in the UK.
However, it is. Fake lawyer named Mack Johnson
He used his face to commit fraud. The fact is that I paid £550
It was defrauded from. Does Mack Johnson exist?
I don't know, but scam groups do exist.
This famous announcer was real. It was performed by a famous BBC news leader from the famous TV program.
It is possible that he committed fraud under the name Mack Johnson. Britain and Japan are too far apart. I don't know the truth
There are definitely big fraud groups in the UK.
and Group name is Website: www.ubbilawchamber.com .Williams Dioko is Fraud same group of Mack Johnson. this site is closed recently.
this Mr Williams Dioko is show you next . UK and Japan Police Department are pece of FUCK
It's a useless organization.oruganzation .
before this story I did asked to The Supreme Court UK then one person reply my e-mail question.I got mail from them yesterday on 22nd April 2024.
I will show you detail of letter from Court Supreme in UK.
Mack Johnson said , he was used people's photos of famous people they have no connection to without giving any explanation. In other words, there is no mischief.
That's a rather rude lawyer.This lawyer asked for funds without any detailed explanation. We are in extreme poverty. He scraped it all together and sent it all to him. After that, all he did was ask for money. Our living conditions have hit rock bottom. They were not allowed to receive welfare, and their electricity and water supply were cut off. Is the heartless Mack Johonson really a British lawyer? I think he doesn't have a lawyer's license and is only a judicial scrivener.
This guy won't give out any personal information about himself. In other words, he can't be helped by being called an internationally wanted fake lawyer.
Everything this lawyer says is a lie. It is no exaggeration to say that he is a fraudulent lawyer.
Dear Sir or Madam
Thank you for your email below. Unfortunately, the documents you have provided are not legitimate and have not been issued by this Court. We are aware of this type of scam and can confirm that the UKSC will not call or send emails to any member of the public about a legal matter, unless their case was scheduled to come before the UKSC, which could only occur if the matter has already been heard at the High Court and/or the Court of Appeal.
The picture in the passport picture you have provided is NOT legitimate. It is in fact a picture of a UK newsreader; Huw Edwards - Wikipedia Please DO NOT pay any money or give any personal details in relation to the documents you have received. If you have already, you should contact your bank/credit card company etc and inform them immediately. This Court cannot investigate this matter and you should therefore report it to Action Fraud (if you are in the UK) or your local law enforcement who will be able to do that for you. If possible, please block the number/email address so they are not able to contact you again.
More information can be found on our website; Supreme Court Impersonation Scams - The Supreme Court I understand that you may be reluctant to click on the above links, so please feel free to google these separately or on a different device if you are at all concerned.
Kind regards,
Kelly-Anne Johnson
Case Manager
Supreme Court of the United Kingdom
and the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council
Parliament Square, London, SW1P 3BD
Telephone: 020 7960 1991
Mobile: 07909 686 953
Email: registry@supremecourt.uk Email: registry@jcpc.uk Email: listings@supremecourt.uk [A flower design on a black background Description automatically generated] [A black background with a black square Description automatically generated with medium confidence] From 1st April 2024, The Supreme Court Fees Order 2024 will come into effect - visit the link for more information.
The four access points are two locations related to the British police and the tax office.
It's the Supreme Court. i.e. accessed from other countries
In this case, the fake lawyer group is from a country other than the UK.
You're accessing it. In other words, he's a scammer.
The woman in question may also live outside the UK
✝I pray from the bottom of my heart that God will give great punishment to these group of scammers.
Fraud What does Mack Johnson look like? I don't know what kind of education he received, but
This bastard took a picture of famous BBC newscaster Mr. Huw Edwards and said that this person was me, Mack Johnson. He not only created a face, but also a passport. This is a scammer crime, but also
Stealing personal information is a serious crime.
he is friend of Mack Johnson ,only exist Name and face are real person and friend of Mack Johnson
they are an Amrican not english man.so find William Dioko then you can find real Mack Johnson face and bring to jail.
at least 30 years in jail in UK.
Case of Mr. Paul Gerald Mizushima
Jemes Fort Fraud Lawyer in UK he used my signature for get a lot of money from Mr Gerald Mizushima
This group is criminal. These funds were obtained under my signature through illegal means. It's a criminal organization.
The funds were stolen through illegal means. They should be thoroughly punished under British law. My funds were stolen by some shitty Indian.
The owner(James Fort) of this site is my signature
This is a company that made $4.4 billion.
It is my signature that this fraud group has become a big company in less than a year.
50% I said 50%, but I took 100%. Backed by an Indian company. It is true that Indians are many thieves.
1) £3,146,138,000.00 40億ドル
James Fort
Fort & Co. Solicitors
Slough Office
271 Farnham Road. Slough,
United Kingdom
T: +(44) 1753 981272
F: +(44) 1753 984321
E: jamesfort@fortsolicitor.com
W: www.fortsolicitors.com
He asked for my autograph and put my autograph on a piece of paper
and no reply
detail of letter from him
Dear Kenji Mizuhsima,
This lawyer is also based on my signature of one kanji.
He inherited an inheritance.they got £3,146,138,000.00 by my signature
Thank you for confirming the receipt of my email. I will formally introduce
myself to you. My name is Richard James Fort, a Solicitor and Senior
Partner in the Law Firm of Fort & Co. Solicitors. This email may come as a
surprise to you considering the fact that there has been no previous nor
formal communication between us. However, I am contacting you regarding the
estate of a deceased client whom shares the same surname/last name as
yours, Paul Gerald Mizuhsima. Subsequently, the execution of extensive
background checks, diligent consideration and compatibility for a
successful completion of this estate claim, has prompted my decision to
contact you directly.
Firstly, I would respectfully request that you keep the content of this
email confidential and respect the confidentiality of the information made
privy to you as a result of this email. I am contacting you to be the
beneficiary for the sum of £18,200,000.00 GBP (Eighteen Million Two Hundred
Thousand British Pounds Sterling) in the intent of the deceased, because
you bear the same surname (Mizuhsima) with him. Wherein I will convey to
you as the beneficiary to the inheritance of the above mentioned sum;
considering the circumstances herein, there is no existence of an
official/written will from the deceased.
I have been diligent in my selection and have researched carefully to
ensure that I deal with someone who has the necessary intelligence,
compatibility and risk free ability to understand this business partnership
proposal; this partnership requires your assistance and my expertise in
executing the inheritance.
I have been a Solicitor for over 35 years, I specialise in Wills, Trusts
and Probate. I lead the private client department and I understand the
importance of my role in this matter, as well as yours. Hence, I request
that you inform me whether or not you are certain that you have what it
takes to complete this task. Remember, you will not be doing this alone but
with my direct help; I will guide you through the process. If this proposal
contradicts your moral ethics or you bear no interest in it, please accept
my profound apology, then disregard and delete this email.
Upon your indication of interest and receipt of your acceptance to move
forward, I will provide you with explicit information needed to complete
this transaction, to the benefit of you and myself. As part of your
acceptance of this proposal, I request that you kindly revert back to me
with your full name(s) date of birth, current mobile, home telephone and
fax number for preparation of necessary documents. This will enable us to
start the facilitation of the inheritance which includes filing the
necessary documents with the High Court (Probate Division). Due to the time
zone difference and my busy schedule, please correspond with me through
email; it will be faster and more effective for us.
Anticipating your cooperation and I hope to hear back from you soon.
James Fort
Fort & Co. Solicitors
Slough Office
271 Farnham Road. Slough,
United Kingdom
T: +(44) 1753 981272
F: +(44) 1753 984321
E: jamesfort@fortsolicitor.com
W: www.fortsolicitors.com
Fort & Co Solicitors Legal Disclaimer: This email (including any
attachments) is confidential and may contain legally privileged
information. If you are not the intended recipient you must not copy,
disclose or use the information contained in it. If you have received this
email in error, please notify the sender immediately by reply email or by
calling 01753 981272 and then delete the email.
This company has grown significantly since receiving the Mizushima Fund.
How did it become a law firm and have branches?
They probably stole all of Gerald Mizushima's assets.
What an unscrupulous lawyer? Because I'm signing
It would be nice to receive hundreds of millions of dollars, but these are the ones who are not paid anything.
There is no doubt that British lawyers are a group of fraudsters,
The UK Supreme Court is a fraud because it is lenient. This lawyer organization is a fraud group.
Fort believes that British people are like Koreans living in Japan.
I'm a dirty immigrant. That's why they are Indian, not British.
Many Indians are thieves and fraudsters. This group of lawyers
It's a fraud group. It's also an Indian scam group.
He is real person Mr Huw Edwars Mack Johnson is an imposter lawyer
This British lawyer? is a lawyer who is not registered with the British Bar Association, so we asked a Japanese lawyer living in the UK to investigate.
This is Fraud Lawyer UK very bad, Mack Johnson stole Huw Edward's personal information.
He is a criminal who created a passport illegally.
His face is Mr. Huw Edwards, but his passport says Mack Johnson. I don't know how much of this is true, but Mack Johnson
Lawyers say these are true. Fake passport for spoofing
is. I would like the British police to decide whether this is a crime or not.
This Mack Johnson is a Fraud attorney. People like this
He asks to spend more than 30 years in prison.
51°29'11.8"N 3°09'17.6"W Mack Johnson live around Cardiff Bay
Mrs Rafina Orums case
this fraud story made by tow person ,real person .Dr Christopher Satur and Lawyer is Mack Johoson made story's fraud ,Dr is working at https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Christopher-Satur
he is working at University Hospital Of North Staffordshire NHS Trust site said .it is real doctor or not. I do not know ,he said do not send mail to his university directly.fraud doctor he is.
Their reputation plummeted because of this bogus story. It's All A Lie Her Mrs. Rafina Ormus is also believed to be a fictional woman. When I emailed the university, the doctor was very angry.
He prays to be forced out of his job by Dr Christopher Satur's hoax.
So story is start.
Dear Mr. Kenji Mizushima (please read carefully, because of how important fulfilling my last wish is to me)
Thank you very much for your response, my apologies for replying late it was due to my health, please understand that my kindness convinced my heart to contact you because it's on record that Japanese people are peaceful and honest,
also my praying and fasting directed me to you, therefore God knows you more than I know you and I trust that you will not disappoint me,
what I want is to use my inheritance funds to help the less privileged in the society, this I wish to use to appease God for my sins,
I want to let you know some certain things about myself and why I have decided to hand over my inheritance funds to you for the work of Great God, when my husband was alive,
we never cared or treated the less privileged with respect, we never really cared about them, we focused on how to make more money and live flamboyant, but right now, even my money cannot save me from death,
this illness has defied all known medical methods, therefore I am condemned to a certain timely death, so I wish to use the remaining days of my life to assist humanity through you.
I believe that it was as a result of our life style that God refused to bless our marriage of 25 years with any child,
and none of our relatives are now within reach, all turned their back on me because of my past, I am opening up to you because I am regretting our lifestyle,
my wish that this funds be used for charity is because I see it as the only means by which God will forgive my sins and allow my spirit entrance into his kingdom when I die,
because my doctor has already told me that I am not going to live long, because of the level of my cancer.
Therefore, know that you will use 80% of my money to help the people in need, motherless children, widows and sick people and also build a federation for fight on cancer,
I believe you will be kind enough to follow my instructions and that 20% will be enough for you as my spirit has directed, as my spirit has been saying to me since 3 weeks ago that I came across your contact details, please kindly provide your details as stated below:
1. Your full names
2. Your contact house or office address
3. Your telephone number
Once I receive the above mentioned, I will forward to my lawyer, because my bank manager advised me to inform my lawyer to enable him to commence the legal paperwork that will prove you my beneficiary for immediate transfer of the funds to your bank account, please do not delay in responding back to me, because my health condition is going down every day by day, I will like to be alive and see that my funds has been transferred to you for the work of God, I will wish that you keep praying for me, because I am not getting better, be duly informed that this funds was deposited in a financial house here in UK where my late husband worked as an oil prospecting engineer for years before his death, and I am presently undergoing treatment in a hospital in Nottingham England.
Please reply immediately.
Thanks, and God bless you
Yours Sister in God
Mrs Rafina Orums
Nottingham England.
United Kingdom.
this letter is from Mrs Rafina Orums
Lawyer is Mack Johoson
2) £3,145,320.00 7億円
Barrister Johnson Mack
(Principal Attorney)
Address: 101 Birmingham Rd, Westbromwich
England United Kingdom
Tel: +44 7747 064175 (WhatsApp)
Website: www.ubbilawchamber.com
E-mail: info@ubbilawchamber.com
E-mail: ubbilawchamber@consultant.com
Tweeter: @ubbilawchamber
This guy doesn't even have a bank account. The remittance fee is an Apple gift card. What a poor lawyer he is! Or maybe British lawyers don't have bank accounts.
The person who is doing it is a person who is a Korean living in Japan. They also don't have bank accounts.
They are group of FRAUD.
He gave only his name and no other details. After I received an email from Mas Rafina Orums, I received an email from him.
It all started with a £2900 transfer. That is from May 2023. Mrs Rafina Orums was dying of cancer and had a tumor in her upper brain.
We started exchanging emails from her hospital bed in May of last year, at which point she had only three months to live.
Since she is a wealthy man, she also recommended surgery for the brain tumor. After that, she became critically ill and then she started to recover,
but the cancer in her pelvis was severe and she passed away at the end of January 2024. After that, I received frequent emails and phone calls from Mack Johonson.
I was told to send it as a Supreme Court fee, so I sent 320 USD anyway. He then asked me to send him £217, but I'm not rich so that's where I stopped.
Then came the persistent emails but no progress. Even though I asked the lawyer to pay such fees, nothing happened and he demanded that I pay them. We haven't even held a funeral.
No legal formalities have been completed. I hired such a sloppy lawyer.
The breakdown of the £4milions is 80% going to me and 20% going to me. I was planning to work as a private business handling the fund procedures at 20%.
The legal tax rate in Japan is 60%, which is taken to the National Tax Agency. Mack Johnson expressed his desire to turn everything into Bitcoin.
Therefore, it is unreported. It is unclear whether he has a main office. He is not registered with the British Bar.
He is a fraudulent lawyer. He may have something registered with the Supreme Court. I stole all £4milions.
letter of Rafina:
Dear Mr. Kenji Mizushima (please read carefully, because of how important fulfilling my last wish is to me)
hank you very much for your response, my apologies for replying late it was due to my health, please understand that my kindness convinced my heart to contact you because it's on record that Japanese people are peaceful and honest, also my praying and fasting directed me to you, therefore God knows you more than I know you and I trust that you will not disappoint me,
what I want is to use my inheritance funds to help the less privileged in the society, this I wish to use to appease God for my sins, I want to let you know some certain things about myself and why I have decided to hand over my inheritance funds to you for the work of Great God, when my husband was alive, we never cared or treated the less privileged with respect, we never really cared about them, we focused on how to make more money and live flamboyant, but right now, even my money cannot save me from death, this illness has defied all known medical methods, therefore I am condemned to a certain timely death, so I wish to use the remaining days of my life to assist humanity through you.
I believe that it was as a result of our life style that God refused to bless our marriage of 25 years with any child, and none of our relatives are now within reach, all turned their back on me because of my past, I am opening up to you because I am regretting our lifestyle, my wish that this funds be used for charity is because I see it as the only means by which God will forgive my sins and allow my spirit entrance into his kingdom when I die, because my doctor has already told me that I am not going to live long, because of the level of my cancer.
Therefore, know that you will use 80% of my money to help the people in need, motherless children, widows and sick people and also build a federation for fight on cancer, I believe you will be kind enough to follow my instructions and that 20% will be enough for you as my spirit has directed, as my spirit has been saying to me since 3 weeks ago that I came across your contact details, please kindly provide your details as stated below:
she represent family lawyer Mr Mack Johnson .but he is Fraud lawyer. until now.
a letter from her
Dear Mr. Kenji Mizushima.
I am very happy for your message, I am also happy that God lead me to you, you are a God given gift to humanity, I can feel you have a good heart because sticking to your lovely wife for over 40 years now show love and committment,,you are a good man, I have gradually read your messages I am touched in the spirit, I am satisfied.
Therefore I will like you to contact my lawyer, he is willing to work for us, here is his contact details:
Name: Barrister Johnson Mack
His direct work E-mail: ubbilawchamber@consultant.com
Please contact him immediately and discuss with him, because I have already told him about you as my distance relative and instructed him to give you every necessary assistance to make sure that my inheritance funds are transferred to you as my beneficiary.
I am counting seriously on you, please do not disappoint me, when you have opened discussion with my lawyer and the fund transferred to you, I will be very happy to invite you though you already said you cannot come, if I am still alive, I will be operated by Friday next week and I am afraid, I might not make it alive, so I trust you with all that we have lived for.
God bless you, but most importantly, keep praying for me.
Mrs Rafina Orums.////
But He ,Mr Mack Johonson is Fraud Lawyer .Mrs Rafina Orums does not know.until passed way.
Address: 101 Birmingham Rd, Westbromwich
England United Kingdom is fake address not show nothing detail .he live subway fastshop ??? very funny
He is not registered with the British Bar Association.
Log in to the bar association with his ID of a Japanese lawyer living in the UK
He said he could not confirm the existence of this lawyer.
It doesn't make you a lawyer in England.
And trying to manage all assets in Bitcoin is
suggests tax evasion. I don't understand why Mack Johoson really wants to use the volatile bitcoin market.
UBBI is Although the group claims to be based in the UK, it is based in Dubai. don't believe it
Those two British lawyers are criminals.
Please be careful.
These two lawyers used my name to defraud me the amounts shown here.
These two are tax evaders who have not filed their income tax.
Illegally defrauding the property of others.
they are criminals
Mrs Rafina said:She said that Mrs Rafina Orumos will inherit all the money to me,
Kenji Mizushima is 20% . 80% of the money would be donated to medical institutions and poor families, but this lawyer defrauded me.
this lawyer took it all.
And fraud doctor his name is Dr Christopher Satur .he is surgery doctor Dr Christopher Satur is the doctor who operated on her
is a real doctor. However, he was strictly told not to send e-mails to the university hospital where he works. This makes no sense.
He's quite a famous doctor, but he seems to have a reputation as well.
These doctors and lawyers are human beings made up of lies.
Fraud doctor
unscrupulous bar association
Fraud Lawyer Mack Johnson
This is the Mrs Rafina story created by this lawyer and doctor. these two are scammers この二人社会的地位があるが悪い顔している
In the first email, you said that you would kindly ask for a reply,
She said that he would die of cancer within a few months, so she wanted to contact me as soon as possible.
It was a matter. In the second email she told me that she had chosen me to inherit her estate. He has an asset of 4 million US dollars, and he wants us to find a donation destination for 20% to 80% to people suffering from cancer and those in need.
It was here. After exchanging emails several times, I received an email from this lawyer.
This lawyer was rude and told me that I asked for money, but that was not the case at all and the lawyer said I needed it for the £2900 fee.
I am very poor and don't have such funds at all, could you please send Mrs Rafina a fund of USD$5000? When I asked Mrs. Rafina, she kindly said that she would send the money. She then underwent surgery and she became critically ill. Her lawyer said she should send it in bitcoin.
I think she's a shady lawyer here. The lawyer is probably under Mrs. Rafina's control, and it was very strange that he could not arrange the fees with Mrs. Rafina's consent. Furthermore, I am not registered with the British Bar Association, I have no fixed address, and I do not have a fixed address.
It was a fast food restaurant called Subway.
Can you trust such a lawyer?
His photo is also registered with his law firm registered in the United States.
Not registered at all in the UK means this is a scam lawyer.
And there is no confidence in the doctor at all. they against me
If you call them scammers, I would like to fight them.Dear Mrs Rafina Orums, I pray that God always sees you.
From the bottom of my heart so that a miracle will happen to you hoping.
This lawyer is greedy. Mrs Rafina Ormus
he is trying to convert all his assets to bitcoin. Bitcoin is
He said he wouldn't file a tax return because the bank didn't intervene. Mrs Rafina said that the total assets are 4 million dollars, so
She could go bankrupt by buying such a dangerous bitcoin. Of course, they won't pay inheritance tax.
Legally, Mrs. Rafina has informed me of her intention to inherit all her property as stated in the email, and I also received a phone call from an international phone number.
she was a few days before he became critically ill.this moment they are stolen 4 million dollars from her .she was passed way last week. because do not get any mail from her
may be 17th or18th of Jan 2024. and this lawyer and his group Wiliams
Why is this lawyer saying that I have no inheritance rights at all?
Is it a word you uttered for a reason? I am very sorry.
If you inherit safely to me, according to Japanese law, at least 55% will be taxed as national tax then I will donate where she would like to help .so 20% for me and 80% for donate.
Become.The truth is different, I don't know what will happen, although I have a feeling the greedy Brits will take it all.
I believe that God is always watching those stories.
I am a Japanese Brother of God and a Sister of Mrs Rafina. traduce by Google Japanese from English.
Actually consult.com is just like fantasm company does not have fixed address and mail server located PA USA. comsult.com head office is dubai.
n the registered lawyers of such companies are ghost companies,
it is unreasonable to say that you should trust a lawyer who is not registered with the British Bar Association.
ver, the IP of the mail is Pennsylvania in USA. from where to where
ill be a lawyer group solidified with lies. It is unreasonable to say that you want to pay with Bitcoin.
And show you her facebook and if she is a live. real is she passed way after 18th Jan 2024.
I sincerely pray for your soul.
He live this Area by Google street
Mack Johnson Live this area Mack Johnson live near here .IP is near this sector. IP is
Mack Johnson he is UK Fraud Lawyer he does not have any permit of Lawyer Association of UK I Lost £ 511.7 with long time He is Criminal
lawyer Mack Johonson said for permite need pay £217 he does not have current Bank Account so I sent money for Supreme Court fee £217 by Apple Gift Cards
But he said need pay other £217 . so he have to go Jail much better.I think it would be a good idea to clean his brain. Please remain in a British prison for the time being.
suppose be He is not English . additionaly I spant money about 430 euro too he Mack Johnson stole money from me .totally spent £511 ,I sent £511 to Mack Johnson.
and he was order to pay £ 1600 , for what ??????? Very bad Fraud Lawyer Mack Johnson.actually Mack Johnson killed Mrs Rafina Orums .this is mudder and he 4 million pond
The story after that
I send one mail to him .for next things but he is not honest man. never get replay.
Dear Mack Johnson
Good morning
1) If the court is asking for additional funds for you, a letter officially designated by the court and signed in the court's name stating the need for additional funds for the inheritance.
If a document exists, please submit the court order document.
2) Please send us certificates related to inheritance. My name and Rafina's name are written there.
3) Please send a photo and passport copy of attorney Mr. Mack Johonson. A passport with a fake Huw Edwards photo is not allowed. Please submit a passport with your real photo.
Currently, I don't have any funds for court fees, so if I have a chance,
We understand that you have had a difficult time raising funds, but please understand that it is completely impossible in your current living situation.
Please also tell me the exact amount of the court fee and the details of the inheritance that I can receive.
Have a good weekend
and Best Regards.
what is problem . Mack Johnson is may be Negro not white person .he has This person has white rejection, probably
he is black so using face of huw edwards he is white
Mack Jonson is black people.Mack Johnson is Black and may be not UK man. may be Black American. can find many Black Mr Mack Johnson in USA.
and mostly in Florida and north of USA. so he is Niger American.so never I will get mail from Fraud Mack Johnson .
He Mr Huw Edwards quite BBC then this Rafina Orums There is an issue of inheritance. may be Huw Edwards is Fraud Mack Johnson same person.
why he has one shot with Girbert ,Girbert is Dog. I do not know exactly what happen.
Mr Jun Mizushima case of inheritance
Manager Bank of England (BoE)®️
Threadneedle Street, London, EC2R 8AH。
Email: mailto:customercare@theboefirm.uk
☎️: +44 7451 282288
Subject: Notice from the Bank of England!
Victor Freeman is a lawyer and church minister.
And he's a fraud.