mig  EL84 Single Ended Amplifier D.I.Y Slow Train
tube--Wel come to Site----------This site shown D.I.Y Single Ended Amplifiers-----almost valve amplifiers----some of digital staff--- ----Ham Radio --------Hi Fi sound to suppose be high end audio---etc etc-----from Yachiyo Chiba---Japan-------small city of Yachiyo located around 30Km west of down town of Tokyo ------very close to Narita International Air Port--- tube


Japanese Standard UL EL84 Single Ended Amplifier by ISO FE-12S

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Started 22nd May 2023



The ECC88 has a crunchy high range and a nervous sound, but as expected, the ECC83 has good sound quality and cuts the high range, but produces a sound with outstanding fidelity

In my case, I use a speaker that doesn't produce much mid-high range, so unless I raise the mid-high range, the sound is quiet, but it sounds like a 2A3 single.
It's a sound I like. If you use high-end, high-efficiency speakers, you'll get plenty of sound. I think that you can confirm that the EL84 also produces a faithful sound.

My wife Marlhori passed way 27th May 2024

My beloved wife Marlhori passed away yesterday.
She could easily die from a small wound due to inflammation.
She put it away. It was so hard for her to do anything to help.
It's a sad fact. She was my partner for 40 years.
I sincerely pray for her soul.

Marlhori's Pages  marlhori

please click picture above for visit her page

Slow Train

EL84 Siingle Ended Amplifier on May 2023 Slow Train EL84 USD $ 1800 shipping include

el84 single ended

EL84 Single Ended Amplifier on 2023


Terminal big one and 2 input RCA 16-8 ohms for speaker

Video Clip show you by youtube on 8th Aug 2023 Power is almost 4 W rms

show you song of Kim Carnes .song of when I was young in USA

Japanese Standard UL EL84 Single Ended Amplifier
A low-key 4W vacuum tube amp that produces a very good sound, modified from the circuit diagram drawn by Mr. Nasu (Mr. Suzuki) of ISO Tokyo over 30 years ago.
The sound is very loud because it is a stereo. recommended speakers
A minimum of 91dB/m/w is required. With 95dB/m/w or more, you can enjoy music with a very comfortable sound.

Changed to EL84 according to customer's request. The gain of the differential circuit was small, and the sound was quiet.
The 4P1L single amp is a relatively cheap transformer and it's just right, and the power isn't as good as the equipment,
so after consulting with the customer, I decided to use the audio valve EL84. order a roof
There was, so it's the same configuration, but there was a hum balance POT, so I removed it and made it a refreshing configuration.
The circuit is the same differential amplifier. Add some NFB. I think it will be a promising amp.
Note;This amp has a name called Tango.
ISO Japan was originally TANGO. The current TANGO is Tango with only a name.
The original is ISO Japan, but I think it would be nice to be able to use Tango again someday. The real meaning TANGO no longer exists.

This time it will be a prototype. Since the EL84 has a shallow G1 bias, it can be driven with a single triode. Half the G1 grid voltage compared to 4P1L.
By doing so, it is possible to achieve full power even in a differential circuit.
I think. The 4P1L can be driven with a single triode, but with a differential amplifier, the gain was insufficient and full power was not possible. It has been 30 years since Mr.
Nasu (Mr. ISO Suzuki) made the EL84 single circuit.
I think the best method is to drive the left and right EL84 with a single composite tube, and you can get a powerful sound.
This amplifier is a single amplifier with differential input pre. if using ECC88 .response is much better than ECC83.you can check by youtube


Drive by ECC88/6922 on 7th Aug 2023



So I will again re start EL84 Single ended Amplifier.



I fell in love with the ECC83, it's an audio tube Why? "Were you worried?" The best amp that doesn't even make a nervous sound

EL84 single ended amp

EL84 Single Ended Amplifier simple circuit

In the end, the simple circuit I made 10 years ago seems to be the best. 4P1L is the same. ECC88, etc.,
a simple pre-made preamp has the best sound and has a good push and gain, but the differential and cathode drive lost.
The Pentode drive has poor frequency characteristics, so I recommend this circuit for those who are planning to make it.
I'm going to remake it in a few weeks, so I'm planning to use only one driver tube, but this might be better.
Please see youtube mizushima amplifier.

Last update 27th May 2024 in Yachiyo Chiba Japan



Since 4P1L SE Amplifier circuit on 19et May 2014 Sakura Chiba Japan

7th Avenue

Single Ended Amplifier D.I.Y

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