< Super Single Ended Valve Amplifire 300B 2A3 LCR RIAA

300B  Marlhori Audio Single Ended Amplifier D.I.Y
tube--Wel come to Site----------This site shown D.I.Y Single Ended Amplifiers-----almost valve amplifiers----some of digital staff--- ----Ham Radio --------Hi Fi sound to suppose be high end audio---etc etc-----from Yachiyo Chiba---Japan-------small city of Yachiyo located around 30Km west of down town of Tokyo ------very close to Narita International Air Port--- tube

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Un published my site of electronics by Kenji

In early 1973, I had been in Jacksonville, Florida, USA.
Headquartered in Jacksonville 32206
2321 N Liberty St, Jacksonville, FL 32206 USA
📞 +1 904-350-9543
I was an employee of National Merchandise Co. Although the name is not well known, it was a Jewish multinational company with over 3,000 employees, and the locals knew it.
I think it was famous as Pic'save. We are in a corner of this company's headquarters.
we ware a technician who repaired many products. There were about seven service department members.
Among them are Mr Miller (K4IFG), Mr David Gates (WB4EGE) and
Mr Eason, Mr Brocks Mr Whein Mr Hudson and Anny were there.

National Marchandise CO as SETICO

Setico was here

About Pic'N save

News for Jacksonville Fla

Google searh into my site

My site cannot be searched for in any part of the USA using Google, especially in the Chicago and Nevada areas.
This is because a Korean businessman(Mr Isoi) living in the USA paid Google to deny access to the site from the USA.
Therefore, it was the Korean businessman who took political action to prevent access through Google searches.



valve charactor search

About my Products hand made product at all

Why do I use expensive new parts for the amplifiers I make? If I don't use a heavy, sturdy chassis, it will deform during shipping.
The chassis costs about $120.
To find the transformer that meets your needs, the transformer alone will cost at least $700.
Shipping will be by EMS, so it will cost at least $500, and labor will be $500.
Thinking about it like this, it will cost at least $2000.
If this price is too high, DIY is the best.
Transformers are expensive. If you try to make the transformer cheaper, the sound will be worse. This will be a fatal amplifier.
ISO is a very good transformer manufacturer. I recommend using ISO.
The $2000 does not include good capacitors and other parts, and there are also small parts.
The 2A3/45 single ended amplifier is an amplifier that everyone wants, but it will cost $ 3000 USD.
Looking at the forum, some customers say that they can't negotiate because my English is poor, but most people order even though they don't have the money.
I was surprised when I heard the price, but if I lived in the US,
I think it would be much cheaper. In general, from my experience living in the US, Americans often don't buy because they don't have personal savings.
I think you know that even though the products of kit manufacturers that are said to be made in Japan are famous, they use cheap transformers made in China. And you should know. That's right, many parts of relatively cheap Japanese vacuum tube amplifiers are made in China. The transformer, which is the heart of the amplifier, is made in China.
I choose Japanese parts that have high labor costs. Therefore, the amplifier is expensive.


Histroy of vinil in Japan Audio only Japanese by Sony and Denon

Fraud Channel



This site introduces mostly Single-Ended Tube Amplifiers.
EL3N EL34 6L6 2A3 KT88 EL156 300B EL11 EL84
PCL86 6GB4 45 12A 71A 6550 4P1L
Introducing other Music Servers DIY.
All of Electronics Hobby and Digital Audio Diy
install Linux how to and how to install Linux into old Intel PC
How to use Raspberrypi and Nanopi-neo family SBC.etc


NTT Flets 光 NTT回線全ては共有BOXがあります。在日朝鮮人がそのBOXの配線にMDMのインストールしたPCを繋ぎ個人情報を盗むことを確認しました。

May 10, 2024 It was removed from the Google bot sitemap by Takashi Terada, the eldest son of former TEPCO advisor Jiro Terada. This is a crime. It's cyber crime.
We have reported to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and the National Police Agency.

NTT Flets Hikari All NTT lines have a shared box. It has been confi。rmed that a Korean resident in Japan connects a PC with MDM installed to the wiring of the box and steals personal information.
They are professionals in their field. Connect a portable PC to the line and mount your PC. Mount the hard disk and extract all data.
The law needs to be revised, and it may be necessary to dissolve NTT itself. Koreans living in Japan = terrorists



元パイオニア社員の書いたアマゾンに鉄道を作る 風樹 茂 氏 (黒田君)

My wife Marlhori passed way 27th May 2024 My beloved wife was poisoned to death by a Korean resident of Japan.

My beloved wife Marlhori passed away yesterday.
She could easily die from a small wound due to inflammation.
She put it away. It was so hard for her to do anything to help.
It's a sad fact. She was my partner for 42 years.
I sincerely pray for her soul.

Marlhori's Pages  marlhori

please click picture above for visit her page

Chileno son Ladorones especialmete Ana Naccdul family

Hashimoto Nijiko and Marlhori
Marlhori and Nijiko Hashimoto's Page

300B and Alttec Lansing

Mr Hugo Cardenas's home in Lampa Chile on 2024 with Altec Lansing 300B is ENCORE 300B


Mizushima Youtube Channel


A panacea invented by a Japanese doctor

I was infected with a virus about 10 years ago. Ivermectin was prescribed at that time. after that
I am no longer susceptible to various infectious diseases. Of course, I don't get infected with the coronavirus, and I don't get bitten by mosquitoes anymore. The biting mosquito is under the bed
Dead. I no longer get bitten by any insects, but they no longer come near my body. I administered this medicine to my wife who suffers from many bacterial and insect bites.
No more insect bites. It's about improving her body.
I would like to express my respect to Dr. Satoshi Omura, who was awarded the Nobel Prize.
Japan's Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare will not approve it, a drug that is used in developing countries and has saved hundreds of millions of lives. However, not approving
It is said that this is because the price is very low and it does not go through the national commercial route. Even if many people lose their lives due to the corona vaccine, this safe vaccine
It would be the nation's responsibility not to use Japan's panacea. ​
And we bought this elixir from abroad.I think one of the reasons why it is not approved in Japan is political pressure from the USA.
Japan is a vassal state of the USA.

About Dr S.Ohmurasatoshi ohmura

Bifuu V1

Special Version 300B Single Ended Amplifier USD $2400 much better than Made in China this is offer

300B/2A3 vacuum tube amplifiers using high-quality components are generally
It cannot be manufactured for less than 390,000 yen.
Please note that it cannot be produced for less than 390000 Yen.
Thank you for your understanding. Look for parts within this price
Includes production costs and shipping costs.

The price of a tube amplifier is related to the weight of the transformer, the price of the transformer, and shipping charges. Heavy amplifiers naturally use complex circuits and are difficult to manufacture.
Naturally, prices are also rising. The manufacturing period is at least 3 months, but in some cases it can take up to a year. There are unshipped amplifiers that are more than a year old. and
One customer has been waiting for more than 5 amplifiers for a year because they are long distances and heavy. But there are no complaints. In his case, he has already purchased over 10 amplifiers over the past 20 years. So it will take him at least 3 to 4 months. He might be an expensive amp. however
In Japan, the price is set at least 5000 USD or more.
This is the amp of this world.

The price is quite low compared to other companies
People who have these hobbies are stingy and poor.
I guess it is. Moreover, the shipping cost has more than doubled in a year, so even if the product is completed, I can't send it.
There are 20 products with no shipping charges and no delays.
Sending by DHL costs 10 times more than Japan Post. I will make it cheaply, but please send the shipping fee when it is completed.
It will cost 600 USD in USA. In South America it will be 700 USD. Thank you for your understanding. A tube amp is a piece of iron. Of course it's heavy.

Those who didn't buy it when the price was low are simply not thinking about it. It would be suicide to keep the price of the product below this.
This is a DIY site, so please make it yourself.
It may be a good idea to copy and manufacture an expensive amplifier like other commercial sites.
And the reason they don't publish the circuit diagram is probably because they're hiding something.
Any way thank you visiting my site .You Can do by yourself is My site

I've only sold two amps in a year.
Maybe you guys don't need my amp.
If you make amplifiers that don't sell like this, I will end up on welfare.
This site will likely be shut down within the next few months.

It will cost at least $400 to ship a heavy amp overseas.
20% of the price for that amp is shipping. With the remaining funds
I have to make an amp. I guess you can't buy this either. DIY is the only way to do that. DIY has its risks.
If there is no sound at all, all the funds you spent will disappear as a dream.If you DIY it, a 300b single amp will cost about $1500.
It may be possible to produce it. How about that?
Let's make it.

Why were so many of the amplifiers I made sold in Chile, South America?
That's because they ordered directly by mail.
Although the price is high, the buyer should make an amplifier like this.
For example, please keep the price down and choose a good transformer.
As a result of the demand, we sold a lot of them. Above all, I'm Chile
Is it because I lived there for seven years?
Above all, please send me an email. Kenji



Even if I think about it, You can't get an amplifier.
Price of amplifier is USD 2700 USD 1 = 140 Yen and USD 1 =150 Yen what different only USD $ 200 so can not make good price result I have to use cheap chinese component
If rate is going down Yen until USD $1 = 170 Yen USD $ 2700 Amplifier going down USD $2400.if $1 USD = 170 Yen will be price of USD 2400.

Nick's audio room

Specially ,I love sound of Single Ended Amplifier

Vmatxsls 06

Mr Nick his Audio room in tacoma wa on 28th Feb 2022

he is using Gedlee Abby speakers 95dB/w/m



Menu for this site if would like to see more


lowest price single board PC by Nanopi-No2 bullseye Music Server DIY

Nick update

Nick ,his up date on 7th May 2022 Tacoma.WA USA

Comment from Mr Nick on 14th June 2022 in Tacoma WA USA he said
The amp is very good and I listen to it often. 
It compares very well to all of my amplifiers and sounds very powerful - more powerful than the Pass Sit3 (17 watts)  and just as powerful as Herron MA1 monoblocks (100 watts) 

Mr Nick, thank you so much for your small comment
There was a throne. Your detailed words
It is a bigger rating than the comment on one page.
Sincerely thank.


email is lagarto@single-ended.com please write to me


Japanese Standard UL EL84 Single Ended Amplifier

slow train

EL84 Single Ended Amplifier USD $ 1800 as Slow Train

New Product Fine Met Transformer FM-24WS-2 is USD $ 1200 pair

This transformer produce good performance of getting sound wide range of frequency response of sound
even can be use 45 Single Ended Amplifier can deliver 4 Ω 5KΩ for 45 and 12A ,71A even EL84 too
Fine met core mede by Hitachi Electronics Japan. General Transformer Made USD $ 1200 piar. only transformer price.
off course can be use Good 45 Single Ended Amplifier for you. amplifier price will be USD $ 5000.if you order.
so you can use 45 Single Ended Amplifier out put speaker 4 Ω so European valve too Base are UX and UF double base.

Super Core using General transformer co Japan and Toei Transformer co Japan .Good more than Armophas core


Price of Transformer are a little bit lower than ISO Transformer price is each one I recomend to use FC-20S if use this one .super good.


Super Core OPT-NC20S


Go to EL3n Single Ended Amp




FM-24WS-2 inside


It will be translated from Google.
It's bonus time in the USA.
CR uses cheap parts without changing main parts, only one output
The input is only stereo of one circuit. Inputs should be unbalanced and use RCA connectors only.
The vacuum tube uses a general Chinese third party. It's cheaper to buy vacuum tubes in the USA, so let's make it without vacuum tubes.
It will be sent by EMS or air mail.
For some reason, shipping to the USA is expensive. Sending an 18Kg amplifier will cost $600. Even if you use cheap parts, the price will only go down by about $200. If it's only 8 ohms for the speaker, it's $100 less. First
Please contact us instead of thinking about it. Due to the change in the dollar rate this time, the price has been lowered by only $200. This will change, so I returned it
It ends up being $3800. If the yen appreciates, it will be $4,000. Thank you for your understanding. It takes about 3 to 6 months to make. Thank you very much for reading.

If would like to know more information ?

words from my heart

Είμαι ο Kenji Mizushima
Περιμένουμε την πρώτη σας παραγγελία.
Ένας παγκοσμίου φήμης ενισχυτής σωλήνων κενού που ξέφυγε από ένα χόμπι
Τα περισσότερα από αυτά αγοράστηκαν από πελάτες στη Χιλή, τη Νότια Αμερική, αλλά ο αριθμός των χρηστών στις ΗΠΑ και τον Καναδά αυξάνεται. Είναι ένας ακριβός ενισχυτής σωλήνα. Προσφέρουμε ενισχυτές σωλήνων κενού κατασκευασμένους από την καρδιά. Σας περιμένουμε οποιαδήποτε στιγμή.
Νομίζω ότι θα είσαι ο πρώτος παραγγελέας στη χώρα σου,
Σας ευχαριστούμε για τις συχνές σας επισκέψεις.Αδύνατον γιατί μεταφράστηκε από τα Ιαπωνικά χρησιμοποιώντας το Google
Συγχωρέστε με για τη λάθος μετάφραση.

Kenji Mizushima

Ich bin Kenji Mizushima
Wir warten auf Ihre erste Bestellung.
Ein weltberühmter Röhrenverstärker, der einem Hobby entsprungen ist
Die meisten von ihnen wurden von Kunden in Chile, Südamerika, gekauft, aber die Zahl der Benutzer in den USA und Kanada nimmt zu. Es ist ein teurer Röhrenverstärker. Wir bieten Röhrenverstärker aus dem Herzen. Wir warten jederzeit auf Sie.
Ich denke, Sie werden der erste Besteller in Ihrem Land sein,
Vielen Dank für Ihre häufigen Besuche.
Ich habe Google Translate verwendet und denke, dass viele Wörter nicht genau vom Japanischen ins Deutsche übersetzt werden. bitte vergib ihnen.

Kenji Mizushima


300B Single Ended Amplifier Takumi 匠 USD $ 2900

About me

I am a garage maker that sells vacuum tube amplifiers and small audio equipment that I have made as an extension of my hobbies in one room of my apartment.
There are many people like me in the world.
We call it a one-man factory. In my case, the audio transformer uses a genuine transformer manufacturer's transformer made in Japan. For the power transformer,
we order a transformer that matches the voltage of the country you ordered from General Transformer Sales Co., Ltd., which has a store in Tokyo, and have them manufacture a special power transformer.
Personally, I worked for Panasonic in Japan for a long time, working in the audio field as an employee. Currently,
I am in charge of repairing a sound rental equipment company for elderly people.
There was a time when I worked overseas for more than 10 years as an expatriate for a certain audio manufacturer. Having those experiences is all around me.

PLay Organ by 12A Single Ended Amplifier Atsuko 2023 in Germany


2A3/45 Single Ended Amplifier Eurpean version
The 2A3 single amps I made are often used in South America or Canada.
Most are 230V areas. The amplifier introduced here is also European Version

Why is it so expensive? That's why the excellent audio transformers that exist in the country are expensive. Because the sound is given priority,
the weight becomes large. In other words, if I will send it to South America, it will cost USD $ 600 for an amplifier of this level. $600 is shipping.
So a $2000 amp costs $1400. 300Bsingle ended Amplifier will be $3800 USD. The price of the amplifier is the same as the high-end tuna, but the price varies greatly depending on the season.
In the case of a 300B amplifier, it weighs as much as 20Kg, so of course the shipping costs alone will cost 700 US dollars. Since Covid19, the distribution of parts has been very bad,
And it is a difficult task to obtain good quality parts, and some semiconductors have been discontinued.
Japan doesn't have many of the necessary parts, and Japan has abolished the manufacturing industry. Sometimes there are no successors. Therefore
Many good parts have to rely on foreign countries. That's the price increase. The 300B single amp that was made 10 years ago can no longer be made for $3300.
The recoil from that is the price of US$3800. What about other manufacturers? Pricing is over USD $5000 from the start. This makes it a price that general customers cannot purchase.

I use Japanese transformers in most of my products. The transformer company is ISO Tokyo Japan. ISO Tokyo is famous for its former company name.
Hirata Denki Kaisha TANGO was Hirata's product name. After that, the owner was in poor health and closed the company and sold the rights to TANGO products and the TANGO name to WAVAC, so TANGO products became only WAVAC. after that
Mr. Suzuki participated in the reboot as an engineer and Mr. Otaki as the owner of TANGO's ISO Tokyo Japan. The name of TANGO can no longer be used, but the new company name ISO (ex TANGO) is ISO Tokyo Japan.
The transformer I use is a product of those ISO Tokyo Japan.
Other: A transformer from Hashimoto Electric Company.
Hashimoto Electric used to be the transformer division of former Sansui. So to speak, Sansui's transformer becomes Hashimoto Electric's transformer.
In addition, a special audio transformer and a power supply transformer that matches the customer's voltage were manufactured by General Transformer Sales Company.
I am using a power transformer. 300B and 2A3 power transformers
A power transformer manufactured by General Transformer Sales Co., Ltd. is used. I have been providing very good custom-made transformers for the past few years.



for European EL84 Single Ended Amplifier . EL84 was Audio Valve Born in Europa


Note :

This site contains a site translated by Google, a site written in my immature English, and a Japanese page.
The hobby page has not been translated into English, and many people have pointed out that the English translation is not very good, but this site
We specialize in introducing tube amplifiers and other electronic equipment.
I think it would be good if we could get the information.
Thank you for your understanding. Kenji

Go to the vinil of world DIY RIAA


After covid 19, airfare went from 200 USD to $ 600 USD. This includes shipping fees and special charges, and currently, around 20 kg in the USA costs $600 to $700. A $3,000 USD amp ends up costing $3,700.
If you send this by DHL, it will cost over $5000 USD. It's a simple logic. Shipping to USA is very expensive.
It's easy to make amplifiers cheaper. It will be cheaper if you use a poor quality transformer made in China, but the price won't change much.
That is, the price of a heavy amplifier is good or bad.
It will be expensive. Why is the 2A3 single amplifier expensive? It's complicated internally.
It is also heavy and becomes an expensive amplifier, regardless of its power. I am not a vacuum tube or transformer manufacturer,
so the price of vacuum tube amplifiers is expensive. Still, I think the price is cheaper than products from tube amplifier manufacturers.


USD $ 1600 dollars include shipping and valves,only RCA input MM.


Money transfer is 2 way .Bank transfer or PayPal.

Customers say that they have purchased quite a few RIAA equalizers in the last 20 years.
Some of them cost thousands of dollars, but I was interested in the RIAA that Mr Mizushima made because I had the opportunity to use it.
He said he had time to listen to the thousands of vinyl records again. He said that he was very satisfied with the reproduction sound that was close to the original sound.
I think you can understand it even on youtube.

I think that the sound of recent vinyl discs can be played with a RIAA equalizer manufactured and sold by any major audio manufacturer and feel that the sound is thin.
I think that this LCR type equalizer can give you a relaxed and comfortable sound that you can feel when you listen to it.
You can make your own, but I don't think $1600 is an expensive price.
Mr Victor Serrano says that the sound is highly praised. In his case, it was a prototype, so it cost US$3,000, but he said that there would be people who would buy it for US$5,000.
Only this time, I am thinking of making and selling it for $1600 US dollars only for customers in the USA. We do not have stock, so it will take about 3 months.
Customers are limited to USA. One reason is that due to covid19, EMS distribution is only enabled in the United States.

The best sounding phono equalizer in the world at a low price. A very good sounding equalizer preamp that few people have experienced. make a sound
I'm sure you'll be impressed. This is an equalizer preamp designed in line with the RIAA.
The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) is the trade association of the recording industry in the United States.
Many record labels and distributors are members, and it accounts for 85% of the total distribution volume in the United States

Note:The price Mr Victor said was $10,000. He said even $10,000 is a cheap price.
Prices only for Covid 19 time. It is unknown how long this price can be maintained.
You probably have a lot of vinyl.
I think that this low-priced RIAA amplifier is a very cheap purchase when I think that I can draw out sounds that I could not make in the past by using this RIAA.
The end of the century RIAA amplifier came out. It came out of Mizushima's hand made.

If would like to get @single-ended.com Mail

single-ended.com account email for sale.
USD $20 for one year.
For example, if your name is Mr Mark-johonson
Please transfer to my account via PayPal.
Please email me before that. Paypal
Kenji Mizushima lagarto@single-ended.com
It becomes. Problems may occur depending on the state of the Japanese server.
If you have a stable line, it will be a fully usable email account.
Become. I am using an NTT Communications server.but without support you have to lean how to use pop3 mail by your self.
Thank you

Western Electric WE300B
Western Electric

300B Single Ended Amplifier 2016
300B Single Ended Amplifier frequency resp 10Hz to 100Khz -1dB at 1 W ,Max Power is 9 W

Kanade 300B
300B Single Ended Amplifier Name of KANADE 2019
Heavy weight Power Transformer using for 220V USD $ 3600 South America

Googleから外す行為は東京電力元顧問労組の会長 寺田二郎氏の長男が執拗の嫌がらせです。この男は寺田隆志と言います。20年以上も嫌がらせをしているのです。

this counter started 18th Aug 2018

There are non-displayed products in Japanese products, and there are many made in Japan that show no intention despite reign as a famous manufacturer.
The amplifier I made is a product made in Japan. It is a true Japanese product. Of course, some parts are imported from China or parts manufactured in USA.
That's because Japan has already become a country that can not make parts. However,
important parts are selected from the good tests from the parts manufactured in Japan. Transformers
Capacitors, switches, screws, chassis, resistors, etc. I use them.
The product I thought and built up with Japanese thinking is my product made in Japan.

Various living environments and lives have gone crazy with convid 19.
Successful development will be after 2023. However, I am doing minor updates. Thank you for visiting this site.

Kanade and Gen1

Kanade 300B and Gen V1 KT88 on end of 2021 in Las Condes Santiago Chile

Speaker system is Lowther 's Driver using


300B Single Ended Amplifier USD $ 2900


Takumi on 2019 Price is USD $ 2900 dollars

on 2014 Vina del Mar 45/71A Single Ended Amplifier

on 2014 Vina del Mar Chile all Hashimoto Transformer

Bohemia Runs

very much good sounding when using 2A3b and 2A3C PSVANE on Nov 2020 Bohemia 2A3

This amplifier did orderd by one of Audiophile in WA.USA

serrano casa

Mr Serrano's room in Germany on 2022 amplifier's made by mizushima

Site Map

already I have site map on my site but make sure I made up menu site indicates as all my page's on my site. as sitemap.xml
and http://www.single-ended.com/allOfMizushima.htm this is my menu site.but used be use as 7th avenue.htm same as this one.


Linux articles


How to use icewm and themes under Linux in Japanese only

icewm  penguin

Music Server by Nanopi-Neo2 and Raspberrypi

my mpd

myMPD by Arm7 nanopi-neo Bookworm Dietpi mpd is 0.23.11


para feed EL84

EL84 Para feed Single Ended Amplifier


EL3N Single Ended Amplifier DIY


300B mizushima amp


I brew -Hand Made Single Ended Amplifier for you_PRICE LIST of AMPLIFIERSmiz


only 300B

300B Single Ended Amplifier for sales/make for you

from chile


特選商品の紹介と自作アンプの紹介 Only Japanese

EL84 para feed


Poetal site

show new type of this site PC and smartphone as Affiliate

Tetsu Kimura

Valve Master

I am using profecional chassis for valuve amplifier by Takachi BOX Co Japan.

if do you have intersting on all about profecional metal box for electronics.
please see this site and you can get any kind of good termination of BOX.
Takachi BOX (Takachi Electronic Industrial Co.Ltd)-Special BOX-
for Electronics.

Valve Amplifier chasiss etc//Click HERE

Googleから外す行為は東京電力元顧問労組の会長 寺田二郎氏の長男が執拗の嫌がらせです。この男は寺田隆志と言います。20年以上も嫌がらせをしているのです。

🍓🍓♬♫Music SerVer DIY using by 🐍🐍Nanopi-Neo2 and 🍓🍓Raspberrypi

Experiments and actuals of Linux music servers other than Raspberrypi are introduced. Knowledge of Linux operation and command operation is required.

♯♫ 🔊 🐍🐍Nanopi-Neo2 Music Server and myMPD, SPDIF out

♯♫ 🔊 🐍🐍 🐍🐍 Nanopi-Neo2 Music Server I2S-DAC

♯♫ 🔊🐍🐍🍍🍍 🍍🐍 Nanopi Neo2/🍍 Pine64 SPDIF

🍓🍓♫♯🍓Raspberrypi Music Server and PC

📺📺📺Install Linux into Your old XP Windows7 PC

🍓🍓♬🍓🍓MoodeAudio how to use

🐍🐍🐍🐍♬ Nanopi-Neo2 Volumio2

Tripath TA2020/TA4100 and ST Microelectronics TDA7491HV Digital Amplifier D.I.Y

EL156 Single Ended Amplifier on Feb 2020 in Lampa Chile


Best Transformer in the world

ISO Transformer in Tokyo

Acoustic Dimension
You can buy ISO Transformer from Acoustic-dimension.com
I recommend to use ISO Transformer(they are ex Staff of ISO Tango )

71A/45/2A3 Single Ended Amplifier 2015 chile

RCA 245/2A3/71A compatible Single Ended Amplifier

small powe but sound is enough,,,,,2015
Mr C Westman his New Speaker and Mizushima Amplifier on JAN 2015 in Chile

June 2015 with Audio Analog

Mr C Westman's house with Analog 2015 June

in Canada

same as above but he lives in Canada now oct 2021

Bifuu V1 Sakura 2006

Bifuu V1 300B single ended amplfier 2007

Bifuu 300B single ended amplifier 2007

300B Single Ended Amplifier 2007

EL156 China Single Ended Amplifier 2009

this one can be use 6550,EL34,KT88 and EL156 New model can be use add KT66,6L6GC,5881 too

2A4/45 compatible on 2010

Dr Joaquin Iglesias in Chile 2013
45/2A3 SET Amplifier this amp Site is here

45/2A3 Single Ended Amplifier

Custom model 2A3/45 compatible Amplifier

:2A3/45 SET

:2SW for 45/2A3 inter changeble
with XLR input

Atacama May 2014
in Chile,Passive Pre made by Dr Joaquin Iglesias May 2014


Atacama 2A3/45 Single Ended Amplifier on 2014

In Turky
in Turkey Supravox Speaker driven by few Watts

Horn with 71A single 2013

4P1L single ended amplifier 2014 chile
in Chile 4P1L Single Ended Amplifier on 2014 Dic

KR 2A3 version 2014

porco rosso amplifier

2A3/45 single ended amplifier chile

Tango trans coupling
45 Single Ended Amplifier by Tango

EL156 Single Ended Amplifier

EL156 Single Ended Amplifier KT88/EL34/KT120/KT90 compatible

if you'd like to see own town Sakuraow


Differential Pre-Amp by Type Perque(Mr Kimura)Perque Drive

Small Company High End Audiohigh end audio in japan

Audio Karma org
AudioKarama Introduce Japan Audio Area


PCL86 All Differential Push Pull Amplifier on 2008


LCR RIAA Pre for Phono .makes good sound ever on 2022

Single Ended Amplifier is using very small power so SPL is need at least 91dB/m/w over 95dB much better at home

45/71A single ended amplifier 2013
45/71A Single Ended Amplifier on Nov 2013

santiago ,chile
Santiago,Chile 2014 Jan Owner's room

2A3 Single Ended Amplifier

2A3 SET Paturro 2014

Paturro 2A3/45 Single Ended Amplifier 2014
Hashimoto 2A3 Single Ended Amplifier on Apr 2014 Play Jazz

Fervox 45/71A Single ended amplifier 2014
Hashimoto 45/71A Single Ended Amplifier using H20-7U on July 2014


45/2A3/71A/300B Compatible Single Ended Amplifier Bohemia 2020-2021 Owner is in Tacoma WA USA

4P1L Single Ended Triode/UL Pentode Amplifier on Nov 2014

in Chile 2016 with 300B Single Ended Amplifier

cocloliso 300B amplifier Dec 2016

Nov 2020 chile

Cocoliso with new owner in Chile Nov 2020

owner's audio system in chile

menu for single-ended.com

WE300B Single Ended Amplifier 2016
300B Single Ended Amplifier is Best

small amplifier 20W
digital amp

Encore 2017 Nov
300B Single Ended Amplifier ' Name of Amplifier is Encore on 7th Nov 2017

Audio Karama

Amateur Radio Stealth Net

Study how to make an Valve Amplifier in Spanish


Radio magagin Japan Back up file archive's

The Jews arrived in this area by boat, and they also brought horses with them. It is said that Japan began when Christ settled down after his death nearly 2000 years ago. The first places are said to be Awaji Island and the Anan region.

As mentioned in the Bible, many Jews are said to have arrived in Japan by sea.

My amp production is a product that is produced by prepaying Audiophiles all over the world. We are making and testing with all your heart
Such an amplifier can not be manufactured only by my income. It is a garage maker established by the act of the production client. Please understand it enough
The price of the amplifier costs at least USD $ 3500 dollars. This includes amplifier parts, hassle, and shipping costs is never a profitable job
80% or more is parts cost and use very expensive Japanese parts. The quality of parts made in Japan has fallen and not necessarily made in Japan.

I brew -Hand Made Single Ended Amplifier for you_PRICE LIST of AMPLIFIERSmiz

radio garden

Radio Garden warld wide live radio ,you can find any small town's station any counry and country side

Japan Started

Real Japan Strted from here they are from mid east country



ground line

If do it DIY must need to read this page



logo single-ended.comHomebrew Radio Links - K3UH (Russ)

Santiago Chile 2020


Linkedin Mizushima




Poetal site

all of Amplifier Diy from Lagarto san or Lagarto .Lagarto is nick name on forum as new site



An immovable fact: Japan came from the West.
It is a nation created by people. Has a history of 2600 years
It's a country. It started in Tokushima Prefecture.

Yamataikoku No1 Agua start here in Japan

LlamaTaikoku Story Started Agua Shikoku in Japan


We are descendants of the Sumerians


the small country at the end of the East

Sagae san

Un plaisancier amoureux de la mer et de la montagne, et un homme tranquille, qu'il repose en paix.
Son nom est Yukio Sagae et c'est mon ami. 13 de août 2023 Autre monde


Marlhori Japan

We Made Product Made in Japan

Las Fotos que se encuentran en esta pagina de

web son originales de Mr K .Mizushima and Marlhori se prohiben su copia.1998-2024

WEB are Original of Mizushima and Marlhori ,Do not permit any copy of images(photo)and word of this SITE

©  Marlhori Audio Laboratory Yachiyo Chiba Japan 

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